Published on: November 3, 2016 at 2:29 PM
To ensure the energy and utility industries have a skilled, knowledgeable and qualified workforce, Energy & Utility Skills work closely with industries to produce flexible sets of qualifications and Apprenticeships using National Occupational Standards (NOS).
National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to perform a job to a standard required by industry. The NOS cover specific industries and are UK wide. Although England have developed new Standards for their Apprenticeship programmes, the NOS are still required to develop competence based qualifications in the devolved nations.
To ensure the NOS are up to date and meet the industry’s changing needs, Energy & Utility Skills, along with the power sector, have reviewed the NOS for Electricity Power Utilities.
These revised NOS are now available for wider consultation, providing an opportunity for those who have not been involved to comment on the revisions, ensuring they meet industry needs.
It is vitally important that those undertaking training in the power sector have completed programmes which allow them to develop the right skills to perform their job roles and meet the needs of the industry. Therefore, this is your opportunity to provide feedback on the NOS which will form the competence qualifications, particularly in the devolved nations.
If you wish to comment on the revised standards, including their suitability in Electricity Power Utilities or any changes you would like to make, please review the NOS documents via the Dropbox links below and provide your feedback on the Feedback Form here.
Please note, if you experience an error when clicking the Standards via the Dropbox links below, please refresh your page using Control-F5.
Please note, the Power NOS consultation has now closed. If you have any questions regarding Power NOS, please email
Please forward this notification to any colleagues or interested parties who may be interested in commenting on the revised Power NOS.