It is pleasing to see that central government has acknowledged some of the concerns we raised in our consultation response for the sector.
These include:
- Changing the grading structure to make it simple and less confusing by awarding an overall Pass grade for T Levels so it is clear to employers that a student has successfully completed all components of the programme. However, the different components of the Technical Qualification will still be graded separately.
- Recognising that there are concerns over the capacity of some employers and providers to offer industry placements, as well as the availability of industry placements in some areas with limited numbers of relevant employers. The DfE has therefore committed to providing additional support to enable T Level industry placements to be successfully delivered, including widening the remit of the National Apprenticeships Service (NAS) to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for advice and support to employers.
- The need for T Level industry placements to be flexible to accommodate different industries’ needs, as well as geographical limitations. As a result the DfE will adopt a range of models and approaches across different routes and occupations. However, the requirement for a minimum of 45 days placement remains, but there is flexibility on how it can be delivered.
- Recognising that some routes may require students to do additional training to reach the full occupational competence before they progress from T Levels onto apprenticeships at level 4. DfE have committed to considering the best way to achieve full competency once the T Level content has been finalised. They are also working with higher education (HE) providers to facilitate progression from T levels to relevant HE courses, via a bridging course.
- Acknowledging concerns raised by employers to ensure that T Levels offered meet skills needs, by introducing plans that will consider current and future local skills needs.
Our Analysis
We have also produced:
- ‘Where our voices have been heard’ report which summaries the recommendations we made in our consultation response and how the DfE has recognised them, click here to access the report.
- A summary of central government’s response, the main findings of the consultation, the key relevant changes and decisions and next steps for members, which can be accessed here.
Click here to access the DfE’s ‘Implementation of T Level programmes: consultation response’report.