Conference Agenda - Energy & Utility Skills

Conference Agenda

Energy & Utility Skills Conference and Awards 2024, 10 September, Hilton Birmingham Metropole

Conference Agenda

We look forward to welcoming you to the first Energy & Utility Skills Conference and Awards.

The Energy & Utility Skills Conference is dedicated to sharing knowledge, collaboration and excellence in the energy and utilities industries with a specific focus on the skills and job roles required as the UK seeks to achieve its Net Zero ambitions.

Immerse yourself in engaging conference sessions covering industry-wide topics and expert panel discussions. Listen to keynote speakers and take advantage of the opportunity to network with industry leaders.


Arrivals and Welcome Speech

Guests can arrive at The Hilton Birmingham Metropole from 10:00 and network with other guests over tea and coffee. At 10:45, the conference will begin with opening remarks from industry leaders:

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Phil Beach CBE, CEO, Energy & Utility Skills

Mark Wild, CEO, SGN

Keynote Speaker – TBC

The Keynote Speaker will be discussing the situation of the energy and utilities sector from a political perspective. This will include updates on apprenticeship funding, T Levels, Advanced British Standards, Carbon Capture Usage and Storage, Green Jobs and Hydrogen.

State of the Nation

Our Keynote Speaker will be discussing the current market conditions and what they mean for the industry and skills landscape.


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Phil Beach CBE, CEO, Energy & Utility Skills

Mark Wild, CEO, SGN

Skills and Education Landscape

Join us as we discuss the evolving education policy landscape, including a shift towards the ‘Advanced British Standard’ replacing traditional qualifications like T-Levels and A-Levels.

The panel will be moderated by Stephen Barrett, Director of Membership and Strategic Engagement, Energy & Utility Skills.


  • More TBC
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Damien Yeates, CEO, Skills Development Scotland (SDS)

Lunch Break, Exhibition and Networking

During the lunch break, take some time to explore the exhibition stands and network with other guests.

Apprentice Panel

The Apprentice Panel will highlight the vital role apprenticeships play in shaping the future of the sector’s workforce. Apprentices will share insights into their journeys, the challenges faced, and accomplishments achieved within the energy and utilities sector.

The panel will be moderated by Stephen Barrett, Director of Membership and Strategic Engagement, Energy & Utility Skills.


  • TBC

Regulators Panel

Engage with panellists from industry regulators as they discuss the size and scale of the workforce challenges from their perspective and what their role is in all of this.

The panel will be moderated by Stephen Barrett, Director of Membership and Strategic Engagement, Energy & Utility Skills.


  • TBC

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Exploring the intricate links between social impact commitment and sector needs, the panel will address the need for greater diversity and inclusion across the sector’s workforce.

The panel will be moderated by Louise Parry, Director of People & Organisational Development, Energy & Utility Skills.


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Mac Alonge, CEO, The Equal Group

Rosie MacRae, Head of Inclusion and Diversity, SSE

Jo Butlin, Founder, Womens Utilities Network (WUN) and CEO, EnergyBridge

Dr Mark McBride-Wright, Founder & CEO, EqualEngineers

Sector Attraction

The Sector Attraction panel discussion will examine enduring themes across the election divide, identifying key challenges and industry competitors, and exploring successful case studies of organizations leading impactful sector attraction initiatives.

The panel will be moderated by Louise Parry, Director of People & Organisational Development, Energy & Utility Skills.


  • More TBC
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Dr Hilary Leevers, CEO, Engineering UK

David Wright, Chief Engineer, National Grid

Helen Higgs, Head of Nuclear New Build Construction Skills, EDF Energy

The conference will finish with some closing remarks from Phil Beach CBE and end at 17:00.

Our awards event will take place in the same venue and starts at 19:00.


Confirmed Exhibitors:

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Conference Agenda