Published on: February 19, 2025 at 10:57 AM
The Government announced a series of changes to apprenticeships in England during National Apprenticeships Week that together represent a substantial reform to their delivery. It is important to note that not all of these changes will come into effect immediately; some require legislation and others are likely to take several years to implement given that there are well over 600 apprenticeship standards and many of the changes will need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
As the industry skills body for the sector, Energy & Utility Skills is working hard to ensure that these changes are manageable for employers and meet the needs of our members.
English and Mathematics
Energy & Utility skills welcomes the decision to decouple maths and English requirements from apprenticeships for those apprentices aged 19 and over at the point of registration. This change, which comes in with immediate effect, means that apprentices in this age group will no longer need to pass level 2 (GCSE or equivalent) English and maths to pass their Level 3 apprenticeship. In practice, this means that Apprenticeship End Point Assessment Organisations (EPAOs) will not check maths and English completions as part of their process for Level 3 apprenticeships, including those that are already on programme. It is unclear whether this decision applies equally to the maths and English requirements of Level 2 apprenticeships and Energy & Utility Skills is seeking urgent clarification.
Given that around a third of learners do not pass these qualifications at the age of 16, and the pass rates for resits is little over 20%, this represents the removal of a significant barrier to participation in apprenticeships. This decision gives employers greater choice of apprenticeship applicants and provides the opportunity to broaden inclusion and social mobility initiatives. Should an employer wish to stipulate a maths and English requirement, it is still possible to do this, and would be enabled though discussions with FE Colleges or Independent Training Providers (ITPs). But this arrangement would be distinct and separate from the apprenticeship programme; there would be no direct link between passing maths and English and graduating from the apprenticeship.
Changes to maths and English requirements for apprenticeships currently apply to those aged 19 and above at the point of registration. This introduces a 2-tiered apprenticeship system based solely on age. It is understandable that Government wants to continue the study of maths and English for learners up to the age of 18 if they have not passed their GCSEs in these subjects. But this can be achieved without linking the requirement directly to the outcomes of apprenticeships. The net result of this decision is that is now possible for a 20 year-old to pass an apprenticeship where an 18 year-old might fail, despite performing to exactly the same standard. This is clearly unfair to younger apprentices; we need to ensure the apprenticeship system reflects that competency is not age-related and find alternative ways of maintaining maths and English tuition where it is required.
Shorter-duration apprenticeships
When the new apprenticeships were introduced, they included a minimum duration of a year. This requirement was relatively arbitrary, but it reflected the desire to ensure that the duration of apprenticeships supported training of sufficient depth and quality. In practice, we know that it is possible to gain competence in some occupations in less than a year, not least where individuals have significant prior learning. So Energy & Utility Skills welcomes the intent to introduce shorter apprenticeships, with the minimum threshold of 8 months, whist noting that the we need to ensure any reduction in apprenticeship duration does not compromise competency. Shorter duration apprenticeships requires legislation and there is currently no timetable for their introduction.
A principles based approach to assessment
Employers have rightly asked for greater flexibility in the apprenticeship system and it is encouraging to see the establishment of Skills England and the announcement of the growth and skills levy. For a sector that currently recoups only half of the apprenticeship levy, due to a number of factors including supervisory capacity, this flexibility is welcome news. Government has noted that the training eligible for funding under the new review will develop over time, informed by an assessment of priority skills needs. Energy & Utility Skills has recently published a detailed audit of skills and workforce needs to deliver net zero and environmental improvement, flagging those roles that are on the critical path for the delivery of Government missions. Making early progress on these roles should be the priority of the Department for Education and Skills England.
Against this backdrop, the Government has announced some fundamental changes to the way that apprenticeships are assessed, by introducing a principles-based approach to End Point Assessment (EPA). After several years of operation, it is logical to review the apprenticeship system. Any changes that make the system simpler and more flexible, while apprentices prove their competence for skilled work will be welcomed by employers. But this announcement comes at a time when Skills England is establishing arrangements for the growth and skills levy, and the DfE is conducting a curriculum and assessment review which will consider ‘meaningful, rigorous and high-value pathways for all at ages 16-19’. In aggregate this amounts to a significant programme of reform that will draw substantively on the resources of employers as well as government departments, agencies and awarding organisations. We would urge Government to consider the relative prioritisation of these significant workstreams and engage with industry and other stakeholders to ensure that they are manageable.
Turing to the principles themselves, there is much to commend from an employer perspective. The ability to assess apprentices on some skills during their programme provides welcome flexibility, and the intent to recognise ‘embedded qualifications’ rather than to re-test these knowledge and skills as part of the apprenticeship standard is a pragmatic and appropriate measure. Energy & Utility Skills is also supportive of the remove the assessment of behaviours as part of the EPA, in recognition of the fact that employers are best placed to confirm this.
But there are some principles that will create risks that will need to be managed. These will require more detailed analysis to ensure that they deliver the desired outcomes without unintended consequences. For example, it is intended to reduce assessment plans to short, high level documents (of around 2 pages) containing the minimum prescription; this compares to some assessment plans that currently extend to over 30 pages. This will streamline the reviews of standards and save time and resource. However, it will introduce much greater latitude for assessment organisations to interpret introducing a number of risks to consistency and comparability, increasing the likelihood of differences in outcomes between EPAOs. The principles also reflect the intent to allow some assessment to be conducted by a training provider as opposed to the EPAO, providing greater flexibility. We will need to ensure that assessments in our sector, particularly those relating to technical and safety critical roles, are conducted independently by those with contemporary industry experience. Energy & Utility Skills is committed to working with its members and government to ensure any changes to the assessments of apprentices in our sector preserve the high standards that we have worked so hard together to achieve.
Government has signalled the biggest changes to the apprenticeship system in England since the current format was introduced following the Richards review. These changes are welcome, although we would urge Government to address the current inequity of maths and English requirements between apprentices based solely on age. More broadly, the proposals come at a time of significant wider reform and it is imperative that Government engages with stakeholders to ensure manageability of the programmes and prioritises the delivery of the growth and skills fund that is needed to unlock pathways for roles critical to the delivery of Government missions. This will allow time for industry skills bodies, employers and Government to work together to refine the approach to shorter apprenticeships and the principles-based approach to apprenticeship assessment to ensure they deliver the anticipated benefits whilst managing the risks of unintended consequences.