Published on: December 18, 2023 at 2:26 PM
Energy & Utility Skills invites employers, training providers and professional bodies to be involved in consultations for revised National Occupational Standards (NOS).
NOS simply describe what an employee needs to do and needs to know to perform a work activity. They are subject to formal consultation and approval processes and are approved by UK government regulators. NOS are used as building blocks of in-house programme development and are a key component for qualifications and frameworks.
Energy & Utility Skills are currently reviewing the following NOS suites:
- Wind Turbine
Get involved
Current Online Consultations
We are now pleased to advise that online consultations for the following draft NOS are now open, and we’re asking industry stakeholders to review and comment on the revised NOS to ensure they reflect industry best practice. To access the online consultations and provide your feedback, please click on the relevant links below.
Closing date Friday 17 May 2024
If you have any questions or would like more information about our programme of NOS, Qualification and Apprenticeship Framework review, please contact us at .
Our Standards and Qualification Review Privacy Notice sets out how Energy & Utility Skills uses and protects any information you give us as part of the Consultation.