Published on: October 29, 2020 at 11:21 AM
Due to the introduction of the GL/6 Edition 3 the SCO scheme redevelopment brings a revised approach to safety management systems, decentralising SCO and making key SCO decisions the responsibility of each gas network company.
The introduction of IGEM/GL/6 Edition 3 has introduced an increased emphasis on risk-based management of gas safety systems and gives gas distribution companies the flexibility to develop their own gas safety procedures based on meeting the common requirements of GL/6.
The SCO scheme is based around the requirements for meeting GL/6 compliance.
The scheme launches on 28 October 2020 and will be a refreshed scheme, both in terms of its content and the way in which it is delivered, this includes both the existing Energy & Utility Skills Initial scheme and the network-specific renewal scheme.
The SCO scheme ensures that individuals working on the gas networks are trained on how to do so safely by understanding gas network procedures, the permitry used and when, and the specific roles and responsibilities of all the individuals involved.
The SCO scheme has an initial training programme for newcomers to the industry and a renewal training programme for those with existing and current SCO registrations. Once an individual passes the assessment, they hold an EUSR registration for five years.
Benefits of the redeveloped SCO scheme include:
- Development by Energy & Utility Skills of both an initial and a renewal SCO training programme. Previously there was no renewal training programme in place.
- Ownership by Energy & Utility Skills of the e-learning CBL renewal route of SCO, as requested by the gas network companies, offering availability of the Energy & Utility Skills Register (EUSR) support.
- Development by Energy & Utility Skills of an e-learning approach to SCO renewal, offering more flexibility to complete the scheme.
- New approach to scheme documentation – scheme specifications (for both initial and renewal SCO), refreshed slide decks, Programme Leader Guides (PLGs) to support delivery, revised practical assessments, making the scheme easy to follow.
- Revised and greater multiple-choice items to ensure more robust assessment.
- Support from IGEM to ensure that GL/6 Edition 3 is available for all individuals being trained and assessed.
Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) and contractors interested in the SCO scheme can find out more by downloading our information flyer here or visiting the webpage here. Alternatively you can contact the EUSR Support team on or telephone: 0121 745 1310 (select option 1)