Published on: April 30, 2020 at 11:29 AM
The Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership (EUSP) has announced today that E.ON UK Chief Executive Michael Lewis is succeeding UK Power Networks CEO, Basil Scarsella, as the new chair of the thirty-strong CEO Council focused on the energy and utilities sector workforce.
The EUSP is a voluntary partnership of energy and utilities companies and their major supply chain partners, that was set up in 2017 to provide leadership for the gas, power, water and waste management industries and support their efforts in ensuring workforce resilience.
Since its inception, the collaboration has delivered the first ever Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy, brought workforce resilience into energy and water price reviews, launched a sector-wide Inclusion Commitment, initiated a talent attraction platform called Energy & Utilities Jobs, that has reached over 8.5 million people with 50% female inquirers, graduated over 1,500 technical apprentices and helped nearly 70 asset owners and supply chain partners coordinate increased investment in skills through changes to procurement practice.
The group has convened new levels of dialogue with HM Treasury, The National Infrastructure Commission, Ofgem, Ofwat, the Health & Safety Executive, the trade unions and many other key interest groups.
The partnership was created and is facilitated by Energy & Utility Skills. Chief Executive, Nick Ellins advised,
“Throughout the life of this voluntary coalition, the sector leaders have focused their collective efforts on delivering change in a few tightly focused areas. Throughout the volatility of the last two years, their focus has never wavered, and the 30 organisations involved should be applauded for what they are doing on behalf of the whole sector to build the human capital in infrastructure and essential services.
Basil Scarsella has been a true colleague and an inspirational chair for the Partnership. In handing the baton onto Michael Lewis, we feel fortunate to now gain his experience as an acknowledged consumer champion and committed advocate of the workforce role in delivering carbon reduction. Our sincere thanks to Basil for his two years helping drive forward this vital partnership and for raising the profile for the people who power the sector.”
Basil Scarsella, Chief Executive of UK Power Networks, stated, “It has been a pleasure to chair the Skills Partnership over the last two years, and to see the ideas of those around the CEO Council turn from ambition into successful practice. The secret to this whole coalition has been trust between leaders and delivering on our promises together, and I know that all thirty of us within the leadership group are committed to the task. It is the utility sector’s workforce that ultimately deliver infrastructure and essential services to nearly 67 million people every day, and investing in their safety, sustainability and skills is just common sense.”
Michael Lewis commented, “If there was ever a demonstration of the value of people, it has been in the response underway to overcome the pandemic. The whole utility sector workforce has clearly shown its credentials in providing critical services to our nations, and they will be at the forefront of de-carbonising the UK’s critical infrastructure in response to the climate crisis. I am very proud and pleased to now chair the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership in our shared efforts to ensure we have the diverse, skilled and resilient workforce needed for the future.”
During the announcement, the EUSP also thanked E.ON HR Director, Chris Norbury for his service chairing the Delivery Board that operates to the CEO Council, and announced his successor as Kevin Fowlie, Network & Capital Delivery Director at United Utilities. The Delivery Board turns the strategic ambitions of the CEO Council into UK wide delivery.
Nick Ellins commented, “We are delighted that Kevin brings the Delivery Board his experience as a Managing Director in contracting, and knowledge as a senior Director in a regulated water company. He has a long track record of investing in the workforce and their competencies. Chris Norbury has been a constant support throughout his tenure, not only committing to the Delivery Board success but also putting his personal time into supporting me and the Energy & Utility Skills team. It has been greatly appreciated.”
The 2020-2025 Workforce Renewal & Skills Strategy is due to be launched by the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership in June this year.