Published on: September 18, 2017 at 4:02 PM
It is important that the National Occupational Standards (NOS) are kept up to date. The NOS are used to form the basis of vocational qualifications, Apprenticeship programmes and a number of professional standards.
They provide a clear description of the skills, knowledge and understanding that an individual must be able to demonstrate in order to perform their job to the required standard.
Energy & Utility Skills is currently undertaking a review of the NOS that underpin the qualification for Frontline Environmental Services.
We will be carrying out the consultation over the next few weeks and would welcome your views on the current standards.
There is a feedback form, which we would be grateful if you could complete and return to no later than 30thOctober 2017. Following the initial consultation we will be making any proposed amendments and then consulting further but in the first round of consultation please respond by 30th October 2017.
Your input is crucial in this project to ensure that the standards and qualifications for the sector remain valid, current and truly reflect the needs of the sector.
Please note, if you experience an error when clicking the Standards via the Dropbox links below, please refresh your page using Control F5.